We at the Knowledge Standards Foundation speak about an "encyclopedia network" and about "standards" for the entire network architecture. …
Guest post: How loudspeaker propaganda conducted by South Korea against North Korea works
People usually think all that the loudspeakers play are k-pop songs and downright propaganda. If you look more into it, the loudspeakers are …
How to Get the KSF Off the Ground
In this post I'm going to share some organizational plans and solicit advice about them.We have two main tasks/goals in the next few weeks: …
The Encyclosphere: A Technical Proposal
In this post, I want to break down the basic technology of the Encyclosphere—but bear in mind this is more of a proposal for review than a …
Guest post: Initial thoughts on process, requirements, and architecture
Overview: I suggest we start with Mediawiki as a base to avoid reimplementing the wheel, that our major change is to add federation and some …
Let’s have your feedback on this here site
Folks, please give us general feedback to this site. A lot will be fixed and there are many issues already being tracked, but more general …
Introducing the encyclosphere project
Executive Summary After ten years of domination by big social media—which might finally be in decline—we are tired of giant Silicon Valley …